Invented Again
A fun and educational Game Show about innovation, investment, and those parts of human nature that slow (or even stop) successful ventures. Join us as we challenge the world to share their "new" ideas while we race the clock to prove they are NOT NEW. Learn to Explore, Pivot, and Leapfrog, and most importantly how to fail fast to succeed faster.
Invented Again
Episode Three: Investment and the "Circle of Competence"
Matt Sagen
Season 1
Episode 3
We explore investment, and look to two of the best in the game: Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger. What is the "Circle of Competence" that they often talk about? Learn why it is important to avoid the "inventor fantasy", focus on exploiting existing knowledge first.
IP Snaps: The Portable Boxing Ring, The Springfree Trampoline, and the Rivet as Bicycle Tire Puncture Fix
Discover a strange and coincidental connection between 2 of these snaps! Open the practically infinite toolbox instead of relying on just your hammer. Learn a couple of new ways to get involved at Invented Again. All this and more in Episode Three!