Invented Again
A fun and educational Game Show about innovation, investment, and those parts of human nature that slow (or even stop) successful ventures. Join us as we challenge the world to share their "new" ideas while we race the clock to prove they are NOT NEW. Learn to Explore, Pivot, and Leapfrog, and most importantly how to fail fast to succeed faster.
Invented Again
Episode Two: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Matt Sagen
Season 1
Episode 2
We beat the odds and made a second episode! Learn why Rock Paper Scissors is a good way of understanding patent strategy, and hear us play IP Snap with two ideas -
- "App that Identifies Stuff you Point your Camera At"
- "Magnetic Wearables to Stem COVID"
We also do a "historical" Snap of an invention for turning plastic waste into building blocks for construction and start to see principles emerging - what is the goal of Invented Again and what kind of traits and skills does a person need to help us to help the world be more successful at innovation.